Name: sera
pronouns: she/her
Personality: intj-t
likes: dogs and chicken nuggets
"If romancing me with neons is something you should do: make the letters write in luminous, and blue."
  • you're bothered by random tweets with no context, suicide/depression jokes and the mentionings of thot and cuck, don't follow me please.
  • you're ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic etc.
  • you bring up drama and discourse often. i don't like being involved in quarrels.
The blogger

check out my listography for more information about me!

  • high-functioning autistic
  • sun sign: aries
  • i try to be as talkative as i can despite my shyness at times.
  • i'm picky with followers, but if you have the same interests as me (games, musicals etc.) or you're a friend of mine i'll most likely follow back.
  • if you want to message me, feel free! my dms are always open.
  • actually, i'm a gremlin and i love all my friends.
  • Playlist
    1. Tangled Up (Lokee Remix) Caro Emerald
    2. springtime stroll secret crates
    3. metronome kenshi yonezu
    4. is that alright? ashe